Carrollwood Homes For Sale
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Carrollwood, FL Real Estate and Homes for Sale
Carrollwood, Florida is located in Hillsborough County. Carrollwood is a suburban community with a population of 33,747. The median household income is $58,493. In Carrollwood, 49% of residents are married, and families with children reside in 26% of the households. Half the population of Carrollwood commutes 23 minutes or less to work, with 30% of residents holding white collar jobs and 70% residents holding blue collar jobs. The median age of homes in Carrollwood, FL is 17 years, with 64% of those homes owned, 29% rented, and 7% not occupied. In the previous year, 940 Carrollwood properties were sold. The median sale price of a home in Carrollwood in the previous year was $162,244.